Leadership Training: Picnic Ants

Our YW President presented this at one of our board meetings. She couldn't remember where she found it, and I cannot find the true source on the internet. Who ever put this together did an excell-ANT job! As for the graphics - those were created by FreshaireDesign (me).
Leadership and teamwork.
Build relationships.
Have fun.
red checkered tablecloths
picnic baskets
paper ants
Sandwiches (see below)
Green Salad
Frogeye Salad
Ants on a Log
Chocolate Chip Cookies
"Which ANT am I?"
Red Rover, Red Rover
Frisbee Football
Did you ever feel that you "sandwich" your spiritual needs in between everything else that demands your time like school, chores, sports, so your spiritual needs often turn out to be a last minute "jam" sandwich! Let's prioritize and make a fulfilling sandwich.

Picnic Sandwich with Value
BREAD (faith): Bread is the foundation of your sandwich, made from nutritious wheat, the "staff of life". our personal testimonies are our foundation that begins with faith. Remember to build each day with prayer in Jesus Christ.
MUSTARD (Good Works): Most of us like a little extra "tang" mustard gives our sandwich. Like the proverbial mustard seed, we should all be prepared for those extra challenges of our calling and remember to serve others because we love them. Contact that less active friend.
MEAT (Divine Nature): The meat of teh subjects is WHO WE ARE or our divine nature. To make a sandwich a real meal, it helps to add meat. We all to "meet" regularly together to partake of the sacrament, to strengthen our testimonies, and to learn gospel principles. Some like a little ham on their sandwiches. Occasionally, "Hamming" it up can add a splash of fun to your life and that's no bologna.
CHEESE (Choice & Accountability): We all like to feel important once in a while. So occasionally, choose to let other be the "big cheese" and delegate some of the responsibility. Share some of the glory with them. Involve other class members and even if they fail it allows them to be accountable for their actions.
TOMATO (Individual Worth): Some may say "tah may ta" and other may say "to-mah-toe". And anyway you say it, we all need to appreciate everyone's individual differences. We each have our own individual style and ways of doing things. Listen to everyone's ideas and recognize their individual worth.
PICKLE (knowledge): Have you ever seen a baby taste a pickle for the first time? Some things just have to be experienced to be learned. We gain knowledge in so many ways. Don't find yourself "caught in a pickle" remember to plan ahead. If you throw together an activity at the last minute, if could cause all to "pucker" Study the scriptures so you will be prepared to share the knowledge with others.
LETTUCE (integrity): Our sandwich wouldn't be complete without the crisp crunch of lettuce. "Lettuce" have integrity. In each area of our lives, "lettuce" endure, "lettuce" cooperate, "lettuce" be prayerful and stand for truth and righteousness.


CHIPS: everyone need to "chip" in to make a picnic or activity successful. Always offer to help.
7-UP: remember to add sparkle/bubble and enthusiasm to your attitude.
KNIFE: never have a sharp tongue with other, but rather a sharp mind.
FORK: Dig into the scriptures. Don't let any golden changes slip you by.
SPOON: A spoonful of love should be given daily and sprinkled all week long.
GLASS: Quench your spiritual thirst by attending all church meetings.
PLATE: Gospel-centered spiritual food is what our Savior would have us eat.
NAPKIN: get absorbed in your callings and seminary.
Let the Young Women think of a connection for a few picnic items, such as ...
Picnic Ants: Developing excell-ANTS in leadership
No picnic is complete without those uninvited guests called ants. You will find that we leaders will keep "bugging" you about your stewardship throughout the year, but it is only because we love you. We want you to succeed and to Come unto Christ. After all, if we didn't have any bugs, we wouldn't have anything to overcome, and there would be no challenges to help us grow. So, let's talk about some ants that may attend our picnic. Black ants are the good qualities that we need to personally seek and praise others for when we see them. The red ants are the fire ants or negative qualities that we need to identify and eliminate in ourselves. Seek out and build up the good in yourself and others.
COMPET-ANTS (black) - She is full of ability and is great at prioritizing.
OBSERV-ANTS (black) - She notices what is going on around her. She watches other leaders and learns from them. She keeps her eyes open.
RESILI-ANTS (black) - She bounces back easily when things dont go her way. She is easy going and willing to make changes to suit the needs of others.

SERV-ANTS (black) - This little gal realizes that to be a true leader, she must serve those she is called to lead. She goes the extra miles in helping those around her rather than judging them.
TAL-ANTS (black) - She is willing to share her talents with others. When asked to participate, she willingly donates her time and talents.
INFORM-ANTS (black) - She is always aware of what is going on, keeps the facts straight and passes information onto class members.
COMPLEM-ANTS (black) - She is the first one to notice others talents and abilities. She always tells people of the good things she hears about them. Uses honest praise.
BOUY-ANTS (black) - She lifts other up! She is always cheerful and seems to be floating on air. She always has a smile and a kind word.
DILIG-ANT (black) - She works hard and tries to do all that is expected of her.
REVER-ANTS (black) - This little any has a reverence for sacred things. She knows when to be quiet, when to listen and when its appropriate to talk. She attends the temple regularly.
SELF RELI-ANTS (black) - This busy ant has initiative. She tackles things head on and has the confidence in her abilities to accomplish anything.
DISOBEDI-ANTS (red) - This person thinks the rules don't apply to them. She thinks it is cool to break the rules and encourages others to join in the mischief.
DEFI-ANTS (red) - She does what she wants, when she wants, and how she wants without regard for others' feelings or experiences.
ARROG-ANTS (red) - She turns up her nose to anyone or to any activity that she didn't plan or doesn't like. She often feels that things are beneath her, lame and or boring.
INDEC-ANT (red) - This sassy ant thinks that "if you got it flaunt it". She buys her shirts to small and shorts too short. She does not understand who she really is.

1. mini brown paper bag, watermelon candies

2. bookmark, tied with red and white gingham ribbon

3. chocolate chip cookie in a paper CD case


recipe here

Potluck Picnic in the Park

McKenzie, Maddy, Nicole, Britni, and Tiffany.

Tonight, for our 'Faith in God' activity, we had a potluck picnic at the park. We missed the girls who couldn't make it. Haley was with us, but was being a little camera shy.

Maddy wanted to make something special for the picnic. She got out the recipe book from Saturday's event, along with three other cookbooks. She had a hard time deciding what she wanted to make... there were just too many options! She finally picked lemon bars. The recipe was out of a recipe book I had when I was in grade school. I smiled to think that I was the mother in the kitchen with her daughter - making the same recipe I used to make in the kitchen with my mom. Do you ever have those moments? I have them all the time. "Wow... when did I grow up?"

Back to the picnic. We had quite the spread. Pizza, lemonade, potato chips, carrots, broccoli, lemon bars, animal cookies, fudge striped cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and Ritz crackers topped with cottage cheese and salad supreme. We set up next to the playground. Unfortunately, the wind wanted all the attention. Our plates, along with a few of our lemonade filled cups, kept blowing off the table. "Sorry about the lemonade Leah."

The girls didn't seem to mind the wind. A couple of them used it to their advantage and played Frisbee with their plates. They would wait for just the right moment, then let the wind carry their plates up, up and away! (we picked up after ourselves, no worries) The girls had a good time racing up the rock wall and shocking their leaders with high fives as they slid down the slides.

Stake Activity Days Girls Camp

Today was the yearly {Stake Activity Day Girls Camp} for the 8, 9, 10, and 11 year old girls. The theme was "I am a Child of God".

I am one of the Faith In God leaders in our ward, so Maddy and I made a day of it. As we arrived the girls were given a colored sticker - which was used to divide them into groups of 10+ for the mini-class rotations. They also decorated paper bags with stickers and markers. These were to be used to carry the items they received throughout the day. After instructions were given, we were off! I was asked to help steer one of the groups through the mini-class rotations. We had a good time. It was fun to spend the day with Maddy.

There were five mini-classes:
1. Healthy Snacks

The instructor talked to the girls about the new food pyramid. Emphasis was making healthy food choices. There were four stations set-up where the girls made {smoothies}, (almost s'mores}, {peanut butter balls}, and {after school sushi}. After sampling all of their yummy snacks, each girl was given their very own cookbook and apron.

Here's one of the recipes for you to try: (it was surprisingly good)
flour tortilla shell
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp honey
1/2 banana
grated carrots
Mix together peanut butter and honey.
Spread onto tortilla shell.
Sprinkle with grated carrots.
Place banana in the middle of tortilla.
Roll up and slice into 5 pieces.
(hint: use a little peanut butter to hold tortilla shut)

Maddy used her cookbook to make {dessert nachos} for our family.

2. Holy Ghost
Kelli Brown was the instructor. She talked about the importance of being quiet and listening to the holy ghost. She ran the girls through a great learning activity. She through a bunch of crayons and paper onto the floor and told the girls to take one of each. While the girls were gathering their items, Kelli turned on a radio. Then she turned her laptop and started a DVD. Next a cell phone, then a toy, a noisy game, and a few other items. Then, in a whisper, she asked the girls to number their papers 1 to 7. She told them, they were going to take a quiz. Still in a whisper, she asked question #1 - What is your name? #2 - When is your birthday? #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 -. By the end of the quiz the girls were either frustrated or had just given up. There were a few who did their very best to listen through all the noise, but it was difficult. She turned off the toys, the cell phone, laptop, radio, etc...

She had a great discussion with the girls about the importance of "being quiet and listening to the spirit". "Be still and know that I am."

3. Painted Flower Pots
The girls used acrylic paints to decorate their own flower pots.

Maddy putting her creative juices to work.

4. Search the Scriptures
The instructor pointed out two maps. One of the state of California and another of the Fresno area. She asked the girls which map they would use to find 'Sally's' house. Both maps were good maps. One showed the big picture and the other provided details. (I'm really giving you the shortened version) she them compared the maps to the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Explaining that they are both good books. The Bible giving us the big picture and the Book of Mormon giving us details. (I'll elaborate on this when I have more time - it was a good lesson).

She then showed the girls a rock and a sponge. She asked, "Which of these do you think will soak up most of the water?" Then she proceeded to place each in a separate bowl of water. Of course the sponge soaked up the water and the rock just got wet. She then talked about studying the scriptures - "soak up the scriptures".

Learned the song: (I liked the song but cannot remember the name of it - I'll figure it out)

5. Yoga/DanceThis was Maddy's favorite class. The girls were taught the Electric Slide and various Yoga poses. The instructor discussed with the girls the importance of daily physical activity. She did a good job helping the girls realize firsthand the energy you gain from doing something as simple as a stretch.

"It's Electric!"

Lunch Menu
peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese
bag of chips
baby carrots and ranch dressing
freshly baked chocolate chip cookie
bottled water

Lovely Little Cakes

"Cake is often the centerpiece at any Celebration"
Tonight the Young Women discovered a few fun and easy cake decorating ideas, with items they may already have in their own cupboards. Some of those were marshmallow flowers, faux fondant cutouts (made with Airheads and micro cookie cutters), and designs in chocolate. There was also some instruction of various frosting techniques.
It was so fun to see their creative hands at work. At the end of the night they each went home with a "Lovely Little Cake" to share. Or keep all to themselves! They all did such a wonderful job. I thought each cake was absolutly adorable!

1. I made 2 individual cakes for each young woman, using these mini springform pans. I made it simple and used Betty Crocker's Yellow Cake Mix. The girls loved that they could make their own mini cake and take it home with them.
2. Next, I whipped up a batch of buttercream frosting.  Make plenty!  Here's a good recipe:  buttercream frosting

3. Set up banquet tables, cover with plastic table cloths (makes for an easy clean-up), and chairs for each young woman and leader.

4. Have the following items for each young woman and leader (or have them bring their own):
  • Pastry bags with plastic couplers (large ziplock bags will also work)

  • Assorted decorating tips

  • Straight and offset icing spatulas

  • Rotating cake stand or lazy Susan (optional)

  • Food coloring for tinting icing

  • Mini Marshmallows and lots of random sweet stuff for decorating


Cake Decorating 101
Using a Coupler:
A plastic coupler allows you to use different decorating tips while piping from one bag. To change decorating tips, unscrew the coupler ring, replace the decorating tip, and replace the ring.
Filling a Pastry Bag:
1. "Cuff" the bag top over one hand, or place the bag, tip down, in a tall glass and fold cuff around the rim. Insert icing with a spatula using your other hand, scraping the icing against the side of the bag to release it. Do not fill the bag more than halfway. Unfold the cuff.
2. Gather the top edges together with one hand, and drag the thumb and index finger of your other hand downward to let out air, forcing icing into bag and decorating tip. Twist the top of the bag to close and to maintain pressure.

Frosting the cake:
Creating the Perfect Base: Every icing job begins with a smooth layer of base icing.
1. Place a chilled cake on a platter or cardboard cake round, and transfer it to a rotating cake stand. Smooth on a base layer of slightly chilled buttercream with a straight icing spatula to seal the cake crumbs. Chill the cake until icing has hardened, about 15 minutes.
2. Coat the sides of the cake with 1/4 inch of buttercream. Hold the spatula parallel to the sides of the cake with the blade slightly angled towards you. Apply pressure with the spatula against the sides of the cake, and use your other hand to rotate the cake stand, smoothing the sides.
3. Spread excess icing from the sides onto the top of the cake and add more to coat. Position the spatula almost flat halfway across the top of the cake. Apply pressure as you rotate the cake stand, smoothing the top. Chill until the icing has hardened, about 15 minutes, before decorating.
Decorating the cakes (unleash their creativity!):