One of our Young Women did this as one of her 10 hour projects. She did an amazing job! She worked along side one of the Young Women leaders and mastered the art of delegation. You can also find details of our night here. *
THE INVITATION A game ticket. They were personalized with the names of each young woman and their parents. *
* THE ARRIVAL Upon arrival each was given a program and a whistle. Here is what our program looked like (I whited out the names of our young women on the Roster part of the program):
Opening Song: "As Zion's Youth in Latter Days", Hymn #256
Opening Prayer:
Welcome to New Beginnings: Young Women President
Welcome the New Recruits: (all new beehives or and those who are coming in this year) They were each introduced, a few tidbits were shared about each of them. They were each given a mini football as a welcome gift.
Home Team Advantage: This was a great opportunity to talk to the parents about encouraging their youth to attend activities, church, and participate in the personal progress program.
YW Theme and Talk: "PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE" (find complete talk here)
Personal Progress:
Talk: Bishop
Game Play:"Play Ball!" a Jeopardy style game. The group was divided into two teams. Questions were pulled from the Personal Progress booklet, Strength of Youth, the scriptures, and leaders. Score was kept by moving a different color helmet for each team down across a large football field (made from green butcher paper) on the wall. First team to make it to the goal line won.
Closing Prayer:
Game time goodies such as popcorn, chips, and soda pop was served under a canopy. So cute!