PP: A Pattern for Life

The theme for our Young Women in Excellence this year was, "Personal Progress:  A Pattern for Life".  Our Personal Progress Leader, Emily, found the idea here, I believe.  I also found some great decoration and cupcake ideas here, after the fact - of courseAll cute ideas!
The invitation was a miniature pattern packet.  Information was printed on the back.  Each invitation was personalized with a miniature pattern placed inside the packet, with each Young Women's name on it.  Let me know if you'd like the template.
Opening Hymn:  #89  "The Lord is My Light"
Opening Prayer:  ____________________
I still need to get a copy of the script our YW President put together for this skit. She had two of the young women sitting at sewing machines. One of the girls was disorganized, sloppy, chewing gum, hair all messed up. While the other girl was dressed niced, hair in place, her work station was organized. They were each making the same item of clothing, a blouse. The first girl was lazy and didn't want to use the directions. She simply flew by the seat of her pants. The second girl loved following the pattern. She new exactly what tools needed to be used. At the end of the skit they each held up their blouses. (Our YW President had made these beforehand) The first blouse had only one arm hole, was lopsided, etc. The second one was a perfectly sewn blouse.
UPDATE:  I have the skit script!  Thank you Amy!
Molly My Way & Polly Personal Progress
  • Scene opens to two girls sitting at separate tables with sewing machines, scissors, fabric, pins and patterns.
  • Polly: Is  “over the top” put together, perfect hair, apron, skirt and blouse,  white socks, shiny or sparkly shoes.  BIG bow in hair.
  • Molly:  Messy hair (such as lopsided and messy ponytails.  Too big shirt, half tucked in maybe ripped pocket on front.  Chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles loudly and chewing loudly.  Two different colored shoes.  Smudge of dirt on her cheek, (but cute).
  • Each girl plans to make a blouse.
  • Polly:  (Opens pattern and reads instructions out loud.)  “Use pattern pieces  A, B, &C.”   Looks for pieces and finds each one.  “Here we go.” “I just LOVE following directions.”
  • Molly:  (Opens pattern and reads instructions out loud).  “Use pattern  pieces A, B and C.”  Looks for pieces but only finds B & C.  “Where is pattern piece A?”  “I guess I can just use B twice.  It’ll be fine.  Who needs directions anyway.  How hard could it be?”  I’ll just do it MY way.
  • Both girls pin pattern pieces to fabric.
  • Polly:  “I just LOVE pinning.”  (Proceeds to perfectly pin pattern to fabric)
  • Molly:  “Hmmm now where did I put my pins?  I know I had them last week.”   Whatever, I guess I’ll just use this gum.”  (Sticks gum to back of pattern piece and sticks to fabric)”My way is soooo much better.”
  • Polly (reading pattern directions out loud).  “Pin right sides together. “
  • Molly: “Pin right sides together”  “now which is the right side?”  Hmmmmm
  • Both girls continue to sew then each holds up their finished product. 
  • Polly holds up a perfect blouse.  “I just love sewing.”  “It’s so much fun to make something all by myself.”
  • Molly holds up a blouse that is messed up.  “What????”  “This really stinks!”  I’m never going to sew again.  What a big waste of time.”  “Nothing ever turns out like the picture.” 
Presentation of YW Values:
The Young Women Values were presented on bolts of fabric. The girls made these beforehand. I gathered empty cardboard bolts from a local fabric store. Our YW President choose fabric to represent each value. The girls used felt letter stickers to spell out the value on one side and I placed an index card with the corresponding scripture on the other. During the program the girls pulled out the bolts one by one to introduce each value.
Musical Number:
Talk:  (Personal Progress Leader)  I don't have a copy, but I am sure I can get it from her if I ask.  :)
The following scripture references were found on HenHouse, a Christian based website. I believe it was put together for a mother-daughter "Pattern for a Princess" themed dinner. Someone put in a lot of time to find these pattern related scriptures from the Bible. Thank you!
  • General Directions: Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
  • Study First: 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly diving the word of truth."
  • Planning Layout: 1 Corinthians 14:40 "Let all things be done decently and in order."
  • Cutting Instructions: Ephesians 4:31 "Cut out 'all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking."
  • Seam Allowance: Philippians 2:3 "Let each esteem other better than themselves."
  • Stay Stitch: Isaiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.."
  • Ruffling: (not called for in this pattern) Psalms 119:165 "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."
  • Darts: Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery dart of the wicked."
  • Facing: Isaiah 50:7 "For the Lord God will help me... therefore have I set my face like a flint."
  • Zipper: Proverbs 17:28 "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."
  • Binding: Proverbs 6:20-21 "My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck."
  • Pressing: Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
  • Gathering: Isaiah 40:11 "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
  • Instructions for Yoke: Matthew 11:29-30 "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
  • Running Stitch: Hebrews 12:1-2 "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith."
  • Finishing Details: 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."
  • Ornamentation: 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Whose adoring let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
YW Project Spotlights:
The girls were each given a place to display projects they have worked on during the year, as well as time to explain/talk about one of their projects. Parents, leaders and the Young women themselves were given time to see up close what everyone had accomplished (after the closing prayer).
Closing Comments:  Young Women President or Bishop
Closing Hymn:  #229  "Today While the Sun Shines"
Closing Prayer: ____________________
Front:  Cut out "Sew Sweet" circles.  Back:  Cut out slightly larger circles  from your choice of card stock (maybe even the value colors).  Place a lollipop stick inbetween the two circles before glueing or double side taping them together.  After your cupcakes have been baked, cooled and frosted...  you can then place the lollipop sticks into each cupcake for display.  ("Sew Sweet" side up) :)
To keep with the pattern/sewing theme, I found this adorable Fabric Bird Pattern on Spool Sewing.  Each of the girls was given the pattern along with all the supplies to make their own bird.  Everything was placed into a cute bag tied up with white ribbon and a tag (below).
You can also use the birds to create a Bird Mobile. 
Sewing machines.  Jars of buttons.  Maiden forms.  Patterns.  Lots and lots of patterns.  Piles of patterns.  Bolts of fabric.  Scissors.  Fabric flower centerpices. Did I mention patterns?

Memory Boards

Last night we had the girls make memory boards to hang in their rooms. They all turned so cute!
I spent all day trying to find the perfect material for Emmie's room but finally decided to go with the Princess theme, plus the material was sparkelly and that means alot! (I love sparkles!) I am so proud of myself it actually looks very cute in her room! I have left over material so I think my next project will be an accent pillow for her bed... Wow I sound like a little homemaker!

Girls and Guys Just Want To Have Fun

Totally aweswome dance with the youth! We had a stake youth dance at our ward building and our theme was 80's. The youth had so much fun and as leaders I think we just enjoyed dressing up!!! Good Times!!!

{Caramel Apples}

Tis the season for a good carmel apple.
We thought it would be a good idea to share and teach the Young Women how to make them from scratch.
Lyndsey and Kim getting a little carried away with the caramel.  Silly girls!
This is the best recipe for carmel, its simple and really easy to make.
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Can Sweet and Condensed Milk
3/4 Cup Corn Syrup
1/8 tsp Salt
Cook on medium heat, continually stirring so it does not burn. Bring to a soft ball stage.
When it comes to the softball stage let it sit for 1 min and then add:
1/4 Cup Butter
1 tsp Vanilla
Stir until butter is melted.
** Optional: After dipping your apple drizzle milk and white chocolate over them**

Thanks for letting us "POP" over!

A great activity was planned with the Young Women, nothing fancy but very meaningful. We set up visits with the widowed in our ward. We thought it would be a great service to visit them and let the Young Women get to know them. Lots of laughs were made, a few tears were shed and sweet testimonies were born. A night the girls will treasure forever.

This was a little treat we handed out to some of our favorite ward members:

The "Scoop" On Leadership

The "Scoop" On Leadership
Bowl... Remember Heavenly father loves you and with out him we become a messy Presidency
Ice cream... 4 scoops represent the Presidency. President, 1st and 2nd Couselor and Secretary. Each scoop is a different flavor each unique.
Nuts... It's OK to be a little nutty some times, have fun with your calling
M&M's... Make some Memories
Butterfinger... Delegate, if you take it all on by yourself things might slip through your hands
Mini Gummy Bears... Love one Another, everyone needs a bear hug sometimes
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups... What is the Peanut Butter cup with out the filling? Invite the spirit to be your guide
Raspberries/Blueberries/Bananas... Fruit of your labors, Serving others not only helps the person you serve but helps your spirit grow.
Marshmallows... Be Thou Humble, Don't become puffed up with pride
Oreo's/Graham Crackers... "That's how the cookie crumbles" Everything always works out, don't stress over the little stuff. Remember it is the Lords will and not your own.
Stawberry/Chocolate/Carmel Sauce... Melt together as a Presidency, just like the sauce it takes time to melt it down until its yummy
Whipped Cream... Patience is the key
Cherry... Like Annie sings, "Your never fully dressed without a smile" Make sure to include everyone
Spoon... Share the Gosple, Share you testimony and most importantly share your light.

Glitter Up!

"Thanks Kim for introducing us to Glitter Toes!"

This is so simple and fun to do. You can do it alone, but it is much more fun when you are with your daughters, or girlfriends! Also a perfect activity for Young Women or Faith in God/Activity Days.
I wish I would have taken pictures while everyone was busily working on their pedicures. I did find this photo online to give you an idea of the outcome. These feet are much prettier than mine!
nail polish remover
cotton balls
nail polish - we asked everyone to bring a few of their favorite colors
fine glitter
small paint brush
clear top coat
towels - to make for an easy clean up and help protect your floors :)
1. First choose a nail color you like and a coordinating glitter.
2. Now you can paint! Start with your base coat.

3. Paint your nails with your choice of polish.
4. While paint is still wet, sprinkle glitter* all over each individual toe (or finger) to cover well. You may want to lay a piece of paper under the toes to minimize the mess and to catch the leftover glitter so you can use it again.
*Martha Stewart has a large set of extra fine glitter for around $20.00 at Walmart. The set has pretty much every color of glitter you would want.

5. You can brush off the excess glitter with a small paintbrush, but make sure not to brush directly on the toenail or you can mess up the paint job.
6. Once dry, paint a clear top coat over the glitter to help keep it contained and to add shine to the sparkle.
7. If you so desire... using tweezers, add nail sequins to the top coat before it dries. Then go ahead and add another top coat to keep it in place.
8. Now put your feet up, relax, and enjoy time with the girls while it all dries. (approximately an hour)  This is a great time to go over Personal Progress or Faith in God.


Tonight we played Four-Square with all of our Young Women. What a fun bunch!  We even tried playing it in the dark.  You can't go wrong when there's glow in the dark, can you?

Fear Factor: Fear Not, Only Believe

If you haven't done an activity like this one...  this would go perfectly with this year's (2011) Mutual Theme.
I love the theme for Mutual this year (2010): "Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest" Joshua 1:9.
I created the following Fear Factor activity for the YW in our ward in Lehi, Utah a few years ago and thought it would be a great activity which would support the new Mutual theme. It is based on an article written by President Gordon B Hinckley, "Fear not, only believe", which can be found in the New Era, January 2000.
Believe in God.
Believe in God, the Father of us all. You are His child and He loves you. He is interested in you. He is concerned about you. He wants you to be the very best you can be. He wants you to make something of your life. He wants you to be upright and true and honest and straightforward and clean and decent. He desires to bless you. If you live your life in such a way as to be worthy of His blessings, He will bless you and you will not be troubled by the evil of the world.

Believe in Christ.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God who condescended to come into the world to save mankind. He is your Savior and your Redeemer. He was the Son of a mortal mother and a divine, Eternal Father. In His name you pray. Through His atoning sacrifice you obtain forgiveness for your sins. You have the assurance of the Resurrection, and if you walk in His ways after His pattern, you will have the opportunity of exaltation.
Believe in yourselves.
Believe in yourselves and in your capacity to do something worthwhile. God has given you a mind and a spirit and a body with which to do your work. You have tremendous capacity. You do not have to be a genius to do something worthwhile in the world. The major work of the world is done by ordinary people who have learned to work in an extraordinary way. This is what makes the difference. Stand tall and look sharp and bright with a smile on your face, and you will find that people will love and honor and respect you. “To thine own self be true,” wrote William Shakespeare, “And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man” (Hamlet, act 1, scene 3).
Believe in the power of prayer.
Believe in the power and majesty of prayer. The Lord answers your prayers. Prayer brings you into partnership with God. It offers you an opportunity to speak with Him, to thank Him for His magnificent blessings, and to ask Him for guidance and protection as you walk the paths of life. This great work, which is spreading over the earth, found its roots in the prayer of a boy. He had read in the family Bible, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed” (James 1:5–6). That is the promise. Is there any greater promise anywhere in the world than that promise?
Believe in goodness.
Believe in goodness, my dear young friends. There is so much of evil in this world. It seems to be everywhere—in television, in books, in magazines, in videos. Do not sit around watching videos of a sleazy nature. Do not do it. They will not help you. They will hurt you. You can become addicted to those things, and they will destroy you. Believe in goodness. In the midst of great evil, there is so much of good to be found in the world. It is your responsibility to follow the right. “Choose the right when a choice is placed before you” (Hymns, no. 239). There is something wonderful and uplifting that comes from believing in goodness and beauty and truth.
Believe in education.
Believe in education. A mandate has been given you by the Lord Himself. He has said: “Seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118). You are not expect to earn college degrees. But you are urged to take advantage of learning to equip yourselves to do worthwhile things in the world. The world will compensate you for your skills. If you are an honest and skilled workman, you will bring honor to yourself and to the Church. This is the great day of preparation for each of you. This is the season to train yourself for the highly competitive world that lies ahead.
The Invitation:

The Arrival:
As they arrived they each choose a piece of bubble gum.  The color they choose determined the team they were placed on...  the Yellow Team or the Black Team.

"Guess How Many are in the Jar?"
Whoever came closest, got the jar filled with gummy worms and spiders.
"What is it?"
The table was filled with edible items.  They took a guess as to what each item was.  Taste testing was optional.
"The Challenges"
Just like the popular television show, the youth were asked to complete a number of Challenges. They each received a red flag upon completion of each Challenge, 6 flags in all. These can be redeemed for a reward at the end of the night.
After each Challenge, one of the youth read aloud the correlating paragraph from President Hinkley's talk.  Then it was opened to their ideas on how the "Challenge" backed up the Prophet's counsel.  I love a good analogy! And they came up with some good ones.

Believe in Goodness: Food Challenge
Do I really have to drink that?
Needed Supplies:
McDonald’s Happy Meal(s), Cups, Blender
Prepare the concoction by placing all the items from a McDonald’s Happy Meal(s) into a blender (hamburger, fries, soft drink).
Place a tray of cups – already filled with the concoction – on a table. Have each youth drink the whole thing before the count of 30.

Believe in Prayer: Physical Challenge
Obstacle Course
Needed Supplies:
Blindfolds, 2x4, children’s bike, mini trampoline, tires, (use you imagination)
Use your imagination in creating an obstacle course for the youth. Time them as they take turns running the obstacle course while blindfolded, being lead by their leader’s voices.

Believe in Education: Mental Challenge
Needed Supplies:
Origami instructions, paper, timer
While being timed, the youth are to create the designated Origami using the instructions given.

Believe in Yourself: Endurance Challenge
Sit-Up Competition
Needed Supplies:
Have the youth do sit-ups for 2 minutes straight. This can be done in two groups, if the youth need someone to hold their feet down as they do their sit-ups. Lend encouragement as the youth become weak and want to give up.

Believe in God: Scripture Challenge

Find 7 scriptures where the Lord tells us not to be afraid
Needed Supplies:
Scriptures, Pencils
Have the youth use the scriptures to find passages where the Lord tells us to not be afraid.

Believe in Christ: Group Challenge
Willow in the Wind Trust Fall
Needed Supplies:
Choose one person to be "The Willow", have them stand in the middle with their feet together, eyes closed, arms crossed and hands on shoulders, keeping body straight. The rest of the group sits in a circle around the willow - heels to the ground, toes pointing up, and feet pressing gently, yet firmly, just above the ankles of the willow.
The group will sit with arms outstretched, elbows locked, and fingers loose, ready and alert. The willow will do a "trust lean" and allow them self to be "passed around" the group.
Important: Ensure the group is tight, should-to-shoulder, arms outstretched. In this position, hands should almost touch the person standing in the middle. This ensures that the initial fall will be gentle. Gradually the group can ease back. Distribute large and small people evenly, to avoid weak points.