This year our ward's New Beginnings theme was, "Diamonds in the rough: Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him" .
INVITATION: Invitations were hand delivered in a simple black envelope, tied with black ribbon. Each name was written in metallic silver on the front of the envelope.
AMBIANCE/DECOR: The Relief Society room was transformed into our Young Women's Diamond Boutique. The decor included black and white table coverings and drapes, topiaries, lighting, and a lot of bling. The Young Women Medallion was displayed on a black velvet neck display. And the new Personal Progress booklet, Strength of Youth pamphlet and Guidebook for Parents and Leaders of Youth, each received a "bling, bling makeover". An iron maid was transformed into our daughter of a king complete with jewels around the neck and a sparkly "Diamonds in the rough" sash. Along with the bling was a large piece of coal (a simple rock we found at the lake recently, spray painted black).
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: The program included an Personal Progress updates, Spotlights on our newest Beehives, a couple musical numbers, and talks from our Young Women's President (Amy) and our Bishop. They each tied in the theme nicely. Amy started out her talk with the cutest object lesson... "How to make a diamond". She pulled out a recipe card, pan, blow torch, coal, and a few other materials. Too cute.
Brie sang her first solo in public. She and one of our beehives sang "Daughter of a King", by Jenny Phillips. They each sang a verse on their own and sang the chorus together. Brie was so nervous, but she did wonderful.
Brie sang her first solo in public. She and one of our beehives sang "Daughter of a King", by Jenny Phillips. They each sang a verse on their own and sang the chorus together. Brie was so nervous, but she did wonderful.
TAKE-A-WAY/GIFTS: After the program, the Young Women were directed to the back of the room. There they found two tables which were set-up with supplies for each of them to make their own "Be Strong and of Good Courage" tiles. (supplies: 4x4 tiles, prepared vinyl lettering, and Pampered Chef scrapers)
REFRESHMENTS: Amy created rich and delicious Chocolate Mousse Parfaits with Brownies and Caramel Sauce. We served them in these adorable little cups. Yummy! There was also a small bag, tied with a black ribbon, holding a ring pop inside for each girl to take home.