This one is easy peasy, a classic, and fun! Even up teams. One hula hoop per team. Each team stands in a line, holding hands. The goal is to be the first team to get the hula hoop from one end to the other end without braking the link.
GAME: Steal The Bacon
Divide into 2 groups. Members of each group will be given a number 1-10 (or however many are on each team). Teams will stand, facing each other. If playing in the cultural hall, each team would stand on opposite walls (width of the room, not length) – to give you an idea of distance. Someone will call out a number, let’s use the number 3 as an example. “3!” The persons with the number 3, one from each team, will run to an object (eraser for example), which has been placed evenly between the two teams. The goal is to grab the object first and make it back to your side, without being tagged by the other person. You can keep points if you wish.
GAME: Trash Can
To keep things safe, divide boys and girls – creating two different games. Individuals will link arms, forming a large circle. Place a trash can into the center of the circle. The goal is to pull each other round and round, forcing anyone (but yourself) into the trash can. Not literally inside the trash can. Just bump them into it. This will force them out of the game. You can also get people out of the game by breaking their link. Play until the last young man or young woman stands.
Quad Stake Youth Conference
Do you remember this post? Guess what? He inspired us in person!
I am not going to give you all the details of the planning stages, but you will find the details of the day if you keep reading. I wanted to share how awesome the youth program is in this area! I know what you're thinking... the youth program in your area is the best (and you're right). It is always the best, no matter where you are! :) Love, love, love the youth! (I love my new calling serving in the Stake Young Women's presidency. Just sayin'.) :)
Here are our seniors creating banners for the event. They did a spectacular job!
We had a enough time to set-up on the morning of the event. We even had time to check in on the youth service project, before they starting arriving at the Stake Center.
Setting up 700 chairs in the cultural hall, hanging banners and poster sized schedules, area for wristband dispersal, sound system outside and inside, water stations, wash areas, dinner tables, outside game area, balloons, traffic flow, snack stations, garbage cans, dressing rooms, slide show set-up, reception area for chaperones/adults, and everything else that needed to be done in preparation.
The day started with a service project. This year's service project was a food drive. "Youth Impact Day". Approximately 700 youth going door-to-door in the community gathering non-perishable food and money for the local food bank.

Our youth gathered enough money and food to provide 8,500 meals. Tremendous! The food bank said it was their most successful single event day to date.
The local news stations were on hand to cover the event. Here is one of those stories: KMPH FOX 26.
The seniors were divided into 8 different Color Groups. They arrived at the stake center before the rest of the youth, so they could change into their colors! They positioned themselves at the entrance to the parking lot, at the drop off point, and in between. As the youth arrived, they were greeted with excitement as the seniors cheered. So many smiles!
1:30 – 2:00 pm
Meet in the cultural hall.
Instructions and Color Group Assignments.
2:00 pm
Welcome and Instructions
Seniors excused to go outside and wait by their color company flags.
Youth each received a colored wristband as they left the building.
2:30 – 3:00 pm
First Session
●Red, ●Orange, ●Yellow, ○White INSIDE listening to Brother Hank Smith | ●Green, ●Blue, ●Purple, ●Silver playing games as color groups OUTSIDE Fillers: Hula Hoop, Sharks and Minnows |
3:10 – 3:40 pm
Second Session
●Green, ●Blue, ●Purple, ●Silver INSIDE listening to Brother Hank Smith | ●Red, ●Orange, ●Yellow, ○White playing games as color groups OUTSIDE Fillers: Hula Hoop, Sharks and Minnows |
3:50 – 4:20 pm
Third Session
●Red, ●Orange, ●Yellow, ○White INSIDE listening to the Clevelands video clip: Return to Virtue video: Stay within the Lines | ●Green, ●Blue, ●Purple, ●Silver playing games as color groups OUTSIDE |
4:30 – 5:00 pm
Fourth Session
●Green, ●Blue, ●Purple, ●Silver INSIDE listening to the Clevelands video clip: Return to Virtue video: Stay within the Lines | ●Red, ●Orange, ●Yellow, ○White playing games as color groups OUTSIDE |
5:00 – 5:45 pm
Prayer on the food.
Dinner Served in record time: less than 15 minutes!
Youth and adults
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Evening Devotional
Musical Number: Arise: 2012 Mutual Theme Song
Keynote speaker: Brother Hank Smith, "Break Up with the World"
7:30 pm
Beehives and Deacons met in the pavilion for ice cream and parent pick-up.
Everyone else helped put up chairs to get ready for the dance.
Many hands make light work!
7:30 – 10:00 pm
10:00 pm

Hank Smith is a teacher in Brigham Young University’s Religion Department while also pursuing a Ph.D. Hank is well known for his many “Talks on CD” available through Deseret Book and Seagull Book. He is a favorite speaker at EFY and BYU Education Week. A St. George native, Brother Smith served a mission in California and earned an MBA from Utah State University.
Known for his sense of humor and spiritual insight, Brother Smith enjoys running marathons and eating lots of ice cream, the latter, he claims, being the reason he runs marathons. Hank, his wife Sara, and their 3 children (twins on the way), live in Mapleton, Utah.

Skylar and Angie Cleveland.
Thank you to Shelley Van Wagenen, one of our official photographers for the day! I appreciate you allowing me to use some of those photos here! :) So many to choose from. I am sure I will continue to add to the photos here.

Thank you to Shelley Van Wagenen, one of our official photographers for the day! I appreciate you allowing me to use some of those photos here! :) So many to choose from. I am sure I will continue to add to the photos here.

GAME: Hagoo
The group will be divided into two lines. One person from each line (from opposite ends) will walk towards each other. They cannot talk or make noise. Their goal is to make the other person crack a smile. This is where they need to get creative! Walk funny, make silly faces, dance, whatever it takes. Everyone standing in the lines can help. They can make as much noise as they want. First one to crack a smile loses and joins other side. Continue with two more people from each line.
GAME: Throw Up
Everybody stands in a circle. Person in the middle throws up the ball and yells a name of someone standing in the circle (we will call him Bob). Bob runs in and tries to catch the ball before it touches the ground. If Bob doesn’t catch the ball everybody else will run away until Bob gets the ball and yells “freeze!” Then Bob will (frozen himself) try to throw the ball and tag someone. If Bob hits someone, then that person is out. If not then the Bob is out. The game continues with either Bob standing in the middle of the circle – or the person he tried to tag with the ball, but missed.
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