
I created a flower arrangement using various shades of orange flowers - representing Choice and Accountability.  I added a green ribbon around the vase - representing Knowledge.  A framed picture of Christ was placed on the table as well - always as a reminder to look to Christ in all we do.
Note:  This is simply a list of ideas used throughout the lesson - not a lesson outline.
The lesson begins with the question:  "What are some important decisions you must make about young men?"  Ideas were written on the board as they were discussed.  After the list filled the board I wrote the word CRUSH in capital letters above it.  Asking them if these things were true in repect to the young men they were currently "crushing on".
We also discussed the importance of being the kind  of person you would eventually like to marry.  This is where I gave them all this handout.
The question of steady dating came up.  Here was my response, read from "Unsteady Dating":  President Hinckley said, “When you are young, do not get involved in steady dating. When you reach an age where you think of marriage, then is the time to become so involved. But you boys who are in high school don’t need this, and neither do the girls”
As part of the lesson I shared this Mormon Message:  "Chastity, What Are The Limits?"  It was perfect.
It took a bit of thought, but this is what I finally came  up with:  "Choose Righteously Understanding Sacred Honor".  We discussed that their Sacred Honor as daughters (and sons) of God were the covenants they made at baptism, then we re-read the Young Women Theme.  The young women were all given a can of CRUSH soda. 
As I was preparing the lesson my mind was trying to create an analogy to go along with the CRUSH soda.  I wasn't sure if what I finally thought of was going to be appropriate for the group.  But, at the end of the lesson (at this point all the girls were holding their can of soda) one of the leaders made a comment that led perfectly into this particular analogy.  (this is just a brief outline of what was discussed)
  • I asked what would happen to the can of soda if I were to open the lid and let it sit for awhile.  The answer they gave was that the soda would lose it's fizz.  I also mentioned the same thing would happen if I were to puncture the can in one or more places.
  • I invited the girls to imagine that the soda can represented each of them, and the soda inside the can represented their spirit in respect to their virtue/chastity - this could even work well in discussing the effects on the spirit in dressing immodestly.
  •  We discussed the effects on their spirit in the choices they make as they interact with young men.  Good/Virtuous choices protect their spirits.  Poor choices lead to them losing the spirit.
  • IF NEEDED:  This is where you could discuss the atonement - the Savior providing refills.  :)
  • I also threw in a thought about marrying their future CRUSH:  "Imagine what happens when you take a full can of soda, shake it up, and open it."  The girls all laughed at the thought.  I then said, "Remembering what the can in your hand represents, imagine how much more thrilling and meaningful it would be to go to the temple with a young man who has kept his spirit protected - and you have kept yours protected." "And just think of how much more thrilling your wedding night will be - saving it for that special night."  This is where they laughed, were probably a little embarrassed, but they understood.  I know because of conversations afterwards.  :)