GAME: "You Like a Guy..."

Otherwise known as the Candy Bar Game, a silly game for girls.
This is a fun one for birthday parties, but in one ward we used it as part of an All Girl's Night activity on dating.  The night began with a mini lesson on dating.  The young women and leaders were encouraged to wear their (modest) pajamas and bring their pillows and blankets.
At the time, our Bishop's family had a lodge on a piece of property close by - so we used this for the night.  The lodge had a bunch of oversized bean bags, easy to get comfortable!  :)  Our YW Secretary put the night together and did an amazing job! 
The photos below are from one of Brie's birthday parties.  Dating was only a dream then, now they are all grown up and in their dating years.  (wipe a tear from my eye)  :)
Wrap up a bunch of candy bars and place them into a basket. When it is time to play the game, have the girls pass the basket around and pick out one package and place it on their laps.
After every one has one, take turns unwrapping. Depending on what they find inside their package,  read to them the kind of guy they like.  :)
Side Note:  you might want to make sure the girls know it is only a game and life will not hand them the kind of guy that comes along with the candy bar. There are those who may believe in  the whole fortune cookie effect.  :)
These are a few of the ones we came up with:

You are My Sunshine

When I first heard what the 2012 Mutual Theme was, I immediately had a flashback to our childhood.  :)
Do you remember how Mom would come into our rooms early in morning and cheerfully sing, "Rise and Shine, it's morning time!"  I would groan, pull the covers over my face and groan again.  (Now that I'm all grown up I might enjoy her waking me up each morning, inviting me to rise and shine, getting me ready for the day ahead.  I said, might.)  :)
The youth are being asked to "Rise and Shine!"  To be witness of the Savior, our bright and morning star.  (Revelation 22:16)  There may be a few who groan a little, a few might even be a bit timid - pulling the "sheets" over their bright and shining faces.  :)  But, there will be many who accept the invitation to "Shine!"

Here are some ideas I have been jotting down in notebooks over the past few months: (there are more notes - I'll add them soon)  :)
The IHOP (Important Hour Of Progress) pancakes and personal progress activity would go great with the Arise and Shine sunshine theme.
I absolutely love this song!  It just makes you happy listening to it.  Relevant to the times and upbeat.  "Walking in Sunlight", by Stephanie Mabey, EFY 2010.  I think it would be a great musical number for a Sunshine themed New Beginnings or a Young Women in Excellence.  Oooo..  it would be a great Acoustic guitar number.  :)  Just sayin'.

I also love this version of the song in French!
If you go with the sunshine theme for the year, it might be fun to track the girls personal progress by adding rays of sunshine to a sunshine base.  Each Sunday give the girls an opportunity to add a ray to the sunshine - they could even write down which value they completed on the ray.  I think it would be a great way to remind and inspire the girls to work on their personal progress.  Watching the sun grow throughout the year.  At the end of the year they would have a large beautiful sun which they had helped "Arise"!  In a manner of speaking.  :)
RESOURCES - quotes and articles
In Questions and Answers, New Era, October 2010 - the questions was asked, "What does it mean to 'stand as a witness of God at all times'?" I love the responses:
  • Don't be afraid to be different
  • Honor baptismal covenants
  • Follow the Lord's example
  • Be Steadfast and Immovable
  • Defend our Testimonies
  • Choose the Right
  • Share the Gospel
  • Keep High Standards
Happiness, Your Heritage, Elder Utchdorf, October 2008
Elder Utchdorf shared this quote from James Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, “Those who bring sunshine‍ to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”
Buy a photo frame from the dollar store which holds two photographs.  On one side place a picture of the Savior and on the other place "You are my Sunshine".  What a great reminder to the youth of their responsibility to be a light for their Savior.
Found this on the "oh so addictive, yet inspiring" PINTEREST... a pillowcase embroidered with the 2012 theme.  A great way to remember to arise and shine, don't you think?
LDS 2012 Mutual Theme Pillowcase
2012 Mutual Theme Pillowcase
I found these adorable pillowcases on Etsy from The Polkadot Peddler.
Looks like they are selling for $7.00 each now.
Here are a few goodies inspired by the Sunshine!
"Bottled Sunshine"
Lemonade filled mason jars.
It would fun to create a sunshine motif to place on the mason jars as a keepsake for the youth.
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Adorable Sunshine Party
Some great ideas for decor and goodies.
found here
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found here
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"Bag of Sunshine"
Cello bag filled with Lemon Heads and tied up with ribbon.
A simple handout or "Thank You".
found here
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found here
found here
Take a look at this party.  It is adorable!
GOOD WORKS - Service Activity
I'm not sure if this is still going on in Utah Valley, but there was a man who made wooden toys (little wooden cars)  to give to charities.  I wish I could remember all the details, including his name. As a youth group, we helped by sanding the toy cars and painting them for him.  It was really fun to be apart of it all.  Kinda felt like one of Santa's elves making toys in his workshop.  :)
I remembered this service activity when I saw this Wooden Sun Staker Toy - found here.
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The youth could make something very similar using scrap wood, a jigsaw, sandpaper and paint - which could be found in people garages - left over from projects around their homes. I mention this because I have a stack of paint cans in my own garage.  A Young Man could oversee the project to assist him in earning his Eagle Scout or a Young Women could take it on as a 10 hour project.  (with adult supervision, of course)  :)  Donating the toy puzzles to a local women's/children's shelter, children's hospital, or even an Alzheimer's unit.

Soup & Share

As we approach the end of a year and prepare for a new one...I wanted to share one of Brie's 10 hour projects for Young Women.  It is a great project to start the year off.
Rewind four years...  She organized and carried out a ward Soup&Share (D.I. drive +). The idea was borrowed from Grandpa and Grandma Phillips' ward, who used to host a similar event, called Soup and Swap, every year.
Brie stayed on top of things even with an infection in both of her ears and pneumonia. Thursday afternoon she was told by her doctor she was to go home and stay there until she got better. But, even being under doctor's orders to stay home, Brie wanted to see her project through to the end.
She has a great group of friends, as well as a wonderful little sister, who helped her carry it out. At one point, her friends pulled in a soft armchair from the foyer, so Brie could be comfortable while they did a little fashion show for her. She learned a few lessons in leadership, as well as delegation. The project was a success! The donations exceeded her expectations.

Does the New Year find you cleaning out closets or your garage?
Are you trying to getting rid of unwanted items?
Or… do you find you are in need of certain items yourself?
Come be apart of Soup&Share!
It’s an opportunity to share and receive, then share again!
6:00 - 9:00 pm
DROP OFF items you are giving away.
NO damaged items, please.
Clothing & Shoes · For the Kitchen · Baby Items
Home Décor · Toys & Games · Holiday
School Supplies · Bath · Electronics
12:00 noon - 3:00 pm
If you would like, bring homemade soups and breads to SHARE.
TAKE any items you and your family may be in need of.
All items remaining will be DONATED to Deseret Industries.
The items they are needing most: Clothing and Shoes

The donations kept coming Saturday morning. There were even more donations dropped off as we were loading up the trailer Saturday afternoon.
Recipes for your own Soup&Share can be found on Our Recipe Garden.
The girls enjoyed creating outfits for their impromptu fashion show. Each one went home Friday night with new found treasures and showed up Saturday morning wearing at least one item they picked up the night before.
They also played games.
Then came time to pack it all up and transfer it to the D.I. trailer.
After filling the bags...
*They filled the trailer.
The girls did a wonderful job.
What a wonderful group of friends!
It doesn't matter whether you share your donations with Deseret Industries, Goodwill, or even a local women's shelter, etc...  Sharing simply makes you feel good!
We'd love to hear about your experiences!

Willow in the Wind - Trust Lean

How to play: Choose one person to be "The Willow" - anyone who wants to, can take a turn being the willow. They stand in the middle with their feet together, eyes closed, arms crossed and hands on shoulders, keeping body straight. The rest of the group sits in a circle around the willow - heels to the ground, toes pointing up, and feet pressing gently, yet firmly, just above the ankles of the willow.
The group will sit with arms outstretched, elbows locked, fingers loose, ready and alert. The willow will do a "trust lean" and allow them self to be "passed around" the group.
Important: Ensure the group is tight, should-to-shoulder, arms outstretched. In this position, hands should almost touch the person standing in the middle. This ensures that the initial fall will be gentle. Gradually the group can ease back. Distribute large and small people evenly, to avoid weak points.

Arise and Shine: Hot Air Balloons

These fabulous paper mache hot air balloons have sparked a few ideas to go along with the 2012 Mutual Theme“Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations” Doctrine and Covenants 115:5.
Paper Mache Hot Air Balloons
found here
New Beginnings
  • Hot Air Balloon theme
  • When introducing the YW Values I envision a young woman either holding up a Hot Air Balloon in the color of the value - maybe even having the value on the balloon itself - and after explaining the value and reciting the scripture, placing the Hot Air Balloon into a backdrop filled with white clouds and a sun - representing the Savior.
  • Or, the Hot Air Balloons could already be hanging as the backdrop, and the young woman places a tea light into the basket of the balloon as the value is being introduced.  Resulting in a backdrop of beautiful glowing value balloons filling the sky.
These are too phenomenal for words!  apotospitimou:  Hot air balloon mobile (by Claire Waring)
DIY Fabric Hot Air Balloon Mobile
found here
Room Decor
  • Have the YW values (and scripture references) modge podged onto hot air balloons and hung from the ceiling (as a backdrop for Opening Exercises).  Of course, there would have to be a few fluffy white clouds and a sun - representing the Savior.
  • The value balloon for the month's focus value could be placed on the table for opening exercises.  Illuminated with a battery operated tea light.  Or you could simply leave it hanging and illuminate it.  I can see it!  It is beautiful!
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Paper Cloud Mobile
found here
  • The YW could get together before New Beginnings and create a balloon for each value.  Realize this would take a couple activities because of the drying time involved.
  • As a class, the girls could make them, fill with goodies and deliver to less active girls
Camp Theme
  • Wouldn't  a camp filled with colorful Hot Air Balloons be wonderful?
  • Each cabin could create their own Hot Air Balloon, in their color, to place in front of their cabins.
DIY Paper Hot Air Balloon Mobile
found here
2012 Mutual Theme Launch
  • Make hot air balloon lumieres for all YM/YW to launch - after a fireside introducing the 2012 Mutual Theme.
  • Sky Lanterns/Mini Hot Air Balloons can be purchased for as little as $2.00 a piece.  You can find them here, here here, and here.
  • Or you could have a separate activity where the youth make their own Hot Air Balloon out of tissue paper.  It would take a whole activity.  When I was working at a Treatment Center for Troubled Youth we had a night where one of the interns from BYU made these with the kids.  They loved it!  I loved it!  And what an awesome site!
  • Here is another handmade Hot Air Balloon idea: click photo for link to tutorial
I found this article Stand on A Cloud, by Richard M Romney, New Era, June 1984. It contains some wonderful lessons using the idea of a Hot Air Balloon being tied to the 2012 Mutual Theme. (I think it does) :)
It begins with a description of an Hot Air Balloon Festival in New Mexico. This is what I took from reading the article - when keeping the theme in mind. Here are a few ideas coupled with a quote from the article:
1. We are to "Arise and Shine as a standard for the nations".
2. You cannot do it on your own. You need your Heavenly Father and a Savior. Your parents and family. Your leaders. A living prophet to guide you.
  • It isn't an easy task to prepare the balloons for flight. And it could not be done alone. "Many of the ward members joined the chase crew—the people and vehicles who follow along behind the balloon on the ground and assist when it lands. That’s where the history comes in. The Komadinas hold the record for the Fiesta’s largest chase crew ever—97 people in 23 vehicles."
3.  Learning through the spirit.  Line upon line.  Then taking flight spiritually.
  • The balloons are filled and take flight.  "The propane burner then heats the air, which rises inside the envelope, inflating it even more.  The balloon then tries to assume an upright position. But if that happens too fast, the balloon will not inflate properly..."
 4. People watch. We are an example. "A standards for the nations".
  • Thousands gather to watch the balloons.  "Buses arrive, full of tour groups, senior citizens, school children, the handicapped. City buses, school buses, trucks, trailers, campers, and cars are all guided to parking areas by flashlight-toting service groups." 
5. We need to be living the gospel.  Stand in holy places.
  • "Balloons only fly in calm, clear skies."
6. Follow the commandments. Pray. Hold to the rod.
  • "They discuss safety (it’s important not to get in or out of the basket unless told to, because ballast is critical), preparation for landing (it’s important to remember to bend your knees to help absorb the impact), and flying techniques (the balloon drifts with the wind, but by ascending or descending, the pilot can usually find a breeze headed in the direction he wants to go)."
7. Importance of a testimony.  Keeping a journal.
  • “Sometimes I get cold and grouchy early in the morning,” Amy said. “But then I remember my first flight."
Here are a few more quotes from the article:
  • It is flight without wings, flight without a runway or the whine of jet engines. Because the balloon floats with the breeze, there is no sensation of motion. It is, indeed, like standing on a cloud, quietly watching the earth beneath.
  • “When I’m up here, I think about Heavenly Father,” Jennifer said. “I feel close to him, peaceful, when I see the world he’s created and how big it is. You somehow know he’s in charge.”
  • “You get some idea of who you are and how small you would be on your own. But you also get a feeling for what Heavenly Father has made, what he can help you accomplish if you have him on your side.”
  • “Nobody doesn’t love a balloon,” Amy said. “We fly over people’s houses that we know, and you can see everything. People come running out in shower caps and bath robes just to wave. If you drop down low, you can hear the dogs barking and see horses run back and forth, but nobody complains.”
  • “People here are used to balloons,” Jenny added. “It’s a mutual benefit. Pilots love to fly them, and people on the ground love to watch them float by.”

I also came across this article, which has a wonderful tie to obedience:
Drew Neel of Dayton, Ohio , by Richard M Romney, Friend, October 2002
He tells how he once built a hot-air balloon during a class visit to the flight museum. “We made it out of paper, then filled it with hot air and it flew!” he says. Through that activity, he learned about obedience. “The balloon works because hot air rises,” he says. “It’s a natural law.” And when laws are obeyed, whether they are laws of flight or laws of life, the obedience brings blessings.
Hot Air Balloon Decoration
Love the stripes!
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Refreshment Table Idea
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Hot Air Balloon Cupcakes & Lollipops
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Photo Op
*As I am looking at this picture another idea comes to mind...
The bags of sand could represent things of the world, bad habits, etc. which hold you down.
As we remove these things we are able to RISE!
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Up and Away Hot Air Balloon Sugar Cookies
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Hot Air Balloon Tea Party
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Hot Air Balloon Invitation
You should take a look at the whole party!
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I just like this illustration.
So I thought I'd share.  :)
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Invite Idea
found here